Koska aamuun oli tullut muutamia reseptikyselyjä, niin lisäsin paikallisen suosikin, jota käytin. Hiiri pitää limen mausta ehkä hieman enemmän tai sitten se johtuu niiden väristä ja pienestä koosta Ü! Mutta nyt oli kaapissa sitruunaa, niin mentiin resepti niinkuin se oli kuukausi sitten saadussa mainoslehtisessä.

125g softened butter
100-125g caster sugar
2 tbsp condensed milk
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon (unwaxed)
40g - 60g meringue, crumbled into small pieces.
175g plain four
100-125g caster sugar
2 tbsp condensed milk
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon (unwaxed)
40g - 60g meringue, crumbled into small pieces.
175g plain four
Preheat the oven to 150°C
- Whisk the butter with an electric hand whisk or stand mixer until smooth and pale. Add the sugar and cream together until smooth and fluffy.
- Add the condensed milk and grated lemon zest, and beat again until incorporated.
- Sift in the flour and mix again. The mixture starts to get a little harder to work here, but keep at it.
- Add the crumbled meringue pieces and mix gently but firmly until you feel everything is combined nicely.
- Roll into small balls (about the size of a golf ball), place onto a lined baking tray and press down lightly.
- Bake in the oven for approx. 10-15 mins or until golden brown at the edges, but don't over bake.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.
nami-hiiri Toronto
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